# Credit for contributions We strongly believe everyone should be credited for their contribution to this project, no matter how big or small! We also want people to be able to use their contributions to open source projects like this one as evidence in their CVs or applications. To achieve this aim we have two ways to be acknowledged on the site: - you can do both or just (1): 1. Be added to the front page list of contributors, which uses the [all-contributors bot](https://allcontributors.org/). 2. Add a more detailed overview of your contribution to the [Record of contributions](contributors). ## 1. Add yourself to our contributors list with all-contributors We have an [open issue](https://github.com/very-good-science/data-hazards/issues/109) for adding people to the list of contributors. The all-contributors bot [uses an emoji key](https://allcontributors.org/docs/en/emoji-key) that recognises lots of different types of contribution. If you do anything on the website (from fixing a broken link or typo all the way to writing a new page) then please do add yourself using the instructions on the issue! We will do our best to add you too, but it is often faster for you to do it :) To use it, comment in an issue or pull-request something like: `@all-contributors please add @NatalieThurlby for eventOrganizing` The bot will then set up a pull-request (PR) to add the named person to the contributors list, and the PR will update the list of contributors at the bottom. We have an open issue that we use to call the all-contributors bot. Some people aren’t on GitHub of course, so to add them to the contributions list you can manually edit the file .all-contributorsrc by adding the following object to the list: ``` { "login": "", "name": "FirstName SecondName", "avatar_url": "https://www.example.com/profile-pic.jpg", "profile": "https://mywebsite.com", "contributions": [ "content" ] }, ``` This person’s contribution will then show up the next time you use the bot to add someone to the repo. ## 2. Add yourself to our [Record of contributions](contributors) It can be useful to have a more detailed description of your involvement in the project. We would love for everyone to be listed here, but understand it can take a bit of time that not everyone has. If you would like to be added to the [Record of contributions](contributors) then either [make an issue using the template](https://github.com/very-good-science/data-hazards/issues/new?assignees=&labels=documentation&template=contributors.md&title=Add+new+contributor) or make a PR on the page itself. Please include the following information: * Your Name * Your Role and Affiliation * (Optional) ORCID ID or other persistent identifier * (Optional) Personal contact details or website * Overview of your contribution to the Data Hazards Project - please don't be modest!