# Data Hazards Workshop: Tuesday 21st September 2021 1-3pm ```{image} ../../images/data-hazards-banner.png :alt: Data Hazard warning signs labelled algorithmic decision-making, ranking people, difficult to understand. ``` ```{admonition} Sign up! :class: tip Sign up to attend this workshop [here](https://bristolexppsych.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_39O98pGfm4Oagaq). If the survey is closed, this means that the limited places for the workshop have been reached. ``` Join us at our first Data Hazards workshop to: - Have an interesting discussion about ethics, and learn more about the different types of ethical issues that can affect data science projects. - Contribute to improving the Data Hazards framework, which aims to reduce barriers to discussing these wider ethical issues surrounding data science work. - Help to improve real data science research projects at the University of Bristol. Everyone is welcome, from data scientists to sociologists: we'd love to learn from as many different viewpoints as possible. You can sign up [here](https://bristolexppsych.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_39O98pGfm4Oagaq) where you'll be given information about participating in the project, and asked to fill in the very short online consent form. If you have any questions then please [email us](mailto:grp-ethicaldatascience@groups.bristol.ac.uk) Learn more about the Data Hazards project [here](../../index) or read our longer proposal [here](../materials/misc/proposal).